b'GREENWOOD COLLEGE SCHOOL FOUNDATIONcontinued.THE CLASS OF 2018 FUND THE PHYLLIS THOMPSON FUNDEstablished through the generosity of theEstablished by Betty Speakman in memoryClass of 2018 families, the Fund supportsof Phyllis Thompson, the Fund supportsstudent financial assistance. the schools areas of greatest need.THE CLASS OF 2019 FUND THE REX TAYLOR FUNDEstablished through the generosity of theEstablished by Sarah and Avra Rosen,Class of 2019 families, the Fund supportsthe Fund supports Greenwoods Outdoor student financial assistance. Education programs. CLASS OF 2020 FUND THE SCOTT TABER FUNDEstablished through the generosity of theEstablished through the generosity of the Class of 2020 families, the Fund supports2017 Annual Appeal, the Fund supports student financial assistance. student financial assistance.THE BERYL IVEY FUND THE STUDENT FINANCIALEstablished by a gift from the Estate of ASSISTANCE FUNDBeryl Ivey, the Fund supports the schools Established by Suzanne Ivey Cook and areas of greatest need. Dan Cook, the Fund supports student financial assistance.THE BRIGHAM FAMILY FUNDEstablished by Pat Brigham andfamily, the Fund supports theStudent Success Centre.THE GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished by the proceeds from theUpward Bound Gala, the Fund supportsthe schools areas of greatest need.THE LATIMER FAMILY FUNDEstablished by a leadership gift from the Latimer family, and through the generosityof friends, the Fund supports studentfinancial assistance.THE MCFARLANE FAMILY FUNDEstablished by Don and Marie McFarlane,the Fund supports the StudentSuccess Centre.Greenwood Annual Report 2019/2020 11'