b'CHAIRS MESSAGEIts hard to believe that its been 20 years since we first walked into Greenwood College School with our daughter. From the moment we explored the school, we knew it was a special placeand the right place for her to learn and thrive for her middle school and high school years.Two decades and two Bowman Greenwood grads later, the school has now celebrated its 20th Anniversary; it has grown in terms of its physical size and its reputation in the Ontario independent school community; and while many faces in the classrooms and hallways are different, one thing has stayed the same: the strength of the amazing Greenwood community.Since it was founded, Greenwood students, parents/guardians, staff and past staff, alumni, friends and grandfriends have formed a wonderful network of support that has worked to build character and help prepare our students for life after Greenwood. When you look around the school, you see the futurethe future of education, the latest cutting-edge technology, aspiring CEOs, actors, scientists, lawyers and more. None of that would be possible without the communitys support. In addition to updates regarding Greenwoods financials and strategic priorities, we are pleased to highlight in this report a few people who contribute to the Greenwood community. Of course there are so many more who give of their time, talent and their financial support. We thank all of you for helping to make Greenwood the wonderful school that it is. Thank you for your ongoing support.Stephen Bowman Board ChairGreenwood Annual Report 2022/2023 2'