b'PRINCIPALSMESSAGEDear Greenwood Community,I am delighted to present the 20222023 Annual Giving Report for Greenwood College School.Students at Greenwood continue to thrive, as does our community.Our mission and vision have carried us through some challenging years and last year was no exception. Our 20212026 strategic plan continues to guide us and keeps our focus sharp on what matters most to our students, past and present. The results of our student engagement survey show us that Greenwood students feel supported and benefit from our focus on mental health and well-being, diversity, equity, and inclusion, experiential learning, and technology integration. The campus expansion is well underway withphase one of the demolition complete (RIP KFC, as the students say).While perhaps predictably the campus expansion is taking longer thanwe would like or anticipated, it is coming along and will be a welcome addition to our Greenwood community and student experience. We have made clear strides towards the goals outlined in our 202126 strategic plan. You can read about these on the next pages. You will also hear about some of the generous Greenwood community members who give their time and financial support. I extend gratitude to all of our stakeholders for this ongoing support, and look forward to the continued growth and success of our school community.Its difficult to sum up how much I respect this school. I have enjoyed immensely getting to know the Greenwood community and watching our students blossom. It has been a privilege and an honour to serve as Greenwoods third Principal. Thank you,Sarah Bruce PrincipalGreenwood Annual Report 2022/2023 3'