b'Timeline2002-2004 The Adviser program starts with each student being assigned a homeroom teacher; homeroom groups had all classes together.2004-2008 Each teacher is assigned an Adviser group; Advisers meet with their advisees at the beginning of each day for 10 minutes to touch base and deliver announcements. Parents and guardians receive a comment from the Adviser on their childs quarterly report cards, but Adviser meetings do not include structured programming.2008-2011 Adviser meetings take place after school two days per week. Advisers check in with advisees and offer support as needed. Students who do not need homework support are exempt from the program. For a brief time during this period, Adviser is connected to the House Program, with all advisees in a group coming from the same House to create a school life connection; as theprogram continues to evolve, this becomes untenable and is discontinued, as it does not meetthe schools goal of personalizing learning for students.2011-2012 2011 brings several realizations that will have major implications for the Adviser program: Our Student Success Centre (SSC) offers outstanding support to students working withThe relationships betweenthe SSC regularly, but every student can benefit from personalized support. Greenwood is delving further into character education, and we need a robust systemstudents and teachers aresuch an important ingredientthat will support character growth.Students in Grades 11 and 12 need more consistency as they begin to plan their in the secret sauce that is postsecondary journeys.our school community. With these ideas in mind, we begin developing a new approach to the Adviser program that willThe Adviser program hasmeet all of these needs.2012-2013 been at the centre of thoseThe first step in our new Adviser approach is ensuring that Grade 12 students have the same Adviser relationships since day one.and Guidance Counsellor (previously, these could be two different people). This allows Guidance Counsellors to spend more time with each of their advisees and provide more fulsome support for What has changed for postsecondary decision making.the better over time is the2013-2014 As the next phase in our new approach, we start the two-year Adviser cycle for students in Grades programming and guidance7-10. Students typically work with the same Adviser for Grades 7-8 and Grades 9-10. Being with the same advisees for two years allows our Advisers to build exceptionally strong relationships with that Advisers provide students. Students have scheduled meetings with their Advisers throughout the year; Grades 7-10 our students; what has notfocus on character growth, while Grades 11-12 focus on postsecondary planning.changed is the strongWe also launch our Adviser Report Cards this year. Written by Advisers in consultation with advisees, these reports provide a snapshot of students growth in their civic, moral, intellectual and relationship betweenperformance character over the school year.Advisers and their advisees,2014-2015 An important goal for us is weaving the Adviser program into daily life at Greenwood. With this in even after graduation. mind, we begin offering a course-based Adviser program this year. We pilot the program, which is connected to a course called Advanced Learning Strategies: Skills for Success After Secondary My own boys, who wereSchool, with the Grade 11 class. This course helps students to assess their learning abilities, fortunate enough to attendmaximize their learning and develop a plan to help them meet their learning and career goals,in addition to allowing them to build a strong bond with their Adviser. Grade 11 students may optGreenwood, stay in contactout of this course; about 1/3 of the Grade 11 class opts out this year.with their Advisers to 2015-2016 this day. Jamie Lougheed, Adviser is again offered as a timetabled course for Grade 11s, with only 1/6 of the class opting outparents/guardians and students alike quickly see the value in the course. We also extend Past Greenwood Staff Member and Parent the two-year Adviser cycle to Grades 11-12, giving students the opportunity to work with the same Guidance Counsellor for their final two years at Greenwood. We find that this has immensebenefits for long-term postsecondary planning.2017-2018 We continue on our journey to offering Adviser as a timetabled course for students in Grades 7-11Your Adviser becomesby implementing our Grade 7 and 8 Personalized Learning Skills (PLS) courses. All students in someone you trust. YourGrades 7 and 8 are automatically enrolled in this class, which helps them enhance their executive functioning skills and build self-awareness, self-monitoring, empathy and relationships.Adviser becomesOur Adviser Report Card also sees enhancements this year, with a more comprehensive looksomeone who knowsat students character development and more student involvement in self-assessing characteryour learning style,growth and setting goals for the coming year.2018-2019 knows what you The final piece of our current Adviser program is implemented this year when the Grade 9 and 10 Adviser courses begin to run. All Grade 9 students take a timetabled Adviser course (Learning need and knows how toStrategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School); our Grade 10 Careers course, which is support you.Taylor Davis 21 compulsory, is now also taught by the Adviser. As of this year, all students in Grades 7-11 have a timetabled Adviser course, with Grade 12 students meeting with their Advisers weekly as a group and individually on a biweekly basis.2019-Present While the support Advisers provide to their advisees does not change, the programming delivered via Adviser courses continues to evolve. Adviser courses now have a strong focus on both personal well-being and diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Greenwood7GRWD211_Evergreen_2022 r4.indd 7 2023-01-17 10:33 AM'