b'Assembling a strong team: Our Dean of Students; Director, StudentWell-being; School Nurse; and Social Worker met regularly throughout the year to identify student and staff well-being needs in their areas of focus and to develop approaches to meet those needs. Facilitating a healthy transition to postsecondary: Moving from highschool to university or college is a significant step in students lives, and we want to ensure that they are supported along the way. We offered several information sessions and workshops last year focusing on preparing students for this transition, including a session with Shai Kohen on saying goodbye to your high-school self and a session with an alumnus on networking and interview skills.Hosting family sessions: Connection is critical to well-being, andwe want to ensure that our parents and guardians feel connected to Greenwood. With this in mind, we hosted several Community Conversations for parents and guardians throughout the year introducing different aspects of our school community, offering resources and suggestions and providing an opportunity to ask questions and share ideas. Our Parent Speaker Series also gaveparents and guardians additional resources to support theirchildren at home and to better understand the teen experience. Greenwood Annual Report 2021/2022 5'